Ok, so let’s start talking…

Right away, this book reminded me so much of Maniac Magee.  I’m not sure if it’s because its told 3rd person or what it is, I just got the feeling that it became to sound almost “legend” like.  What do you think of Zinkoff so far?  How about the way this chapter ends, it reminds me so much of the way that we taught you guys how to end your first paragraph of your narrative writing!


We might as well keep talking…

So Mrs. Lechelt and I thought we’d do something nice and read your summer reading book with you.  Not really…but I think we just miss talking about books with you so that’s why we are keeping it up.  As you read Loser, check back on these posts for discussions about what’s going on in the book.  It’s always better when you can read a book and talk about it with others.

So here’s you first discussion question; what did you think when you first looked at this book?Loser

Can you relate?

In the film, “Miracle at Midnight”, there were some obvious similarities between the film and the story.  The most obvious difference for me, was the way in which the story was told. In Number the Stars we got a perspective of the Holocaust from AnneMarie’s side, but in the film we followed an entire family.  Which one did you think you connected to more? Think deeply about this. I am not asking which you liked better. Is it easier to connect to a single character or to a group of people?

midnight mircalt

And the book ends…..

Today, we read and finished Number the Stars. Many surprises and  much of the background information are revealed to us. We also learned the surprising information that Lise was part of the Resistance. Based on the actions of Lise, what type of person do you think Lise is and why? What type of determination do you think drives the Danish Resistance?

Bonus!! What do you think drives the hatred of the Nazi?

A Remarkable Rescue

So, today we read a chapter about Annemaire being split up from her best friend, Ellen.  I truly believe it is A-MAZ-ING to me how Annemarie saved Ellen’s lifeDo you think Annemarie and Ellen will meet up again in the future?  If you had to risk your family’s life, your own life, and your friend’s life to save your friend’s life, would you do it?

Do you think Annemarie and Ellen will ever meet again? If so, why?


Where was MAMA?


Mama has left Annemarie at the house to help the Rosens. During this time alone, Annemarie is left to her thoughts. She thinks of her father. He is alone in Copenhagen. She believes that he is surely awake, too, waiting to hear that they are all safe. Then she comes to the conclusion that it is harder to be the ones waiting, even if it is not as dangerous. Do you agree with Annemarie and think it is more difficult to wait for your loved ones on a dangerous mission? Explain your answer.



Ivan, What is the matter?

Why is Ivan unwilling to join the other gorillas when he arrives at the zoo? How does he learn to be a true gorilla? What does he need to do to be accepted by the others? How do you feel when you are in a situation with other children you don’t know?

hangin’ @ the book club And Swimming in the “Fishbowl”

You all have been making major improvements since we first started book clubs. I know you all have been working very hard on digging deep, and taking your discussions to the next level. I am extremely proud of all of you! =] In addition, I must say that I can honestly say that I have even gained a new and greater appreciation for reading, after watching you all discuss and work in your book clubs. I have three questions for team BOWSER on this subject. 1.What are some characteristics that make a great book club? 2. In general, what are some ideas and topics that book clubs could talk about? 3. How should members of each group interact and respond to each other?






Building bridges with my peeps

Engineers! You all did a fantastic job working together building these bridges. I really enjoyed watching how all of you collaborated together building the bridges, and also providing each other with constructive suggestions on how to make your bridges more successful. Since you all gave yourselves and each other recommendations on how to build more effective peep bridges, I was wondering if any of you thought of any ideas to make improvements on this challenge? For example, are there different materials (or less materials) that may have made this project better? I look forward to hearing from your feedback? Thanks! Congratulations, again!





