In the middle of it all…

It’s interesting to think about the history of NJ and how we came to be the state that we are today. Throughout Social Studies, we have learned how and why the colonies came to be. But what we have not gotten into yet, is how it came to be that very soon these 13 colonies would begin to revolt. In the next few months we will begin to learn about the American Revolution and how it started. Why do you think the colonists decided to fight against the British? What do you already know about the American Revolution?

38 thoughts on “In the middle of it all…

  1. I think that the colonists will fight for land and natural recourses
    What I know about the American revolution is that there was a war. :C
    Also, I love what you did with the blog. πŸ˜€

  2. I know in the American revolution that the thing like the Boston Tea party happened and also that the American soldier did a surprising attack after they crossed the Delaware river and the attacked the British soldiers a town at night and the American soldier were lead there by General George Washington in the Revolutionary War.

  3. I think the colonist fought with the British was they wanted to have their own independent land and that they disagreed with them. The American Revolution (1775-83) is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence. The conflict arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown.

  4. My folder is fresh about this war. All I know is that it was between the British and the Americans and how George Washington led the war to victory. And this is one of the main reasons GW became pres.

  5. I think that the Revolutionary War was a war that the France fought against the British for independence. I think that George Washington was the leader of the France.

  6. I don’t know anything about the Revolutionary War, except that George Washington and the British. Fighting for independence.

  7. and it keeps bringing me to a screen saying I’m posting comments too quickly please slow down -_- it happened when trying to post this comment also… 2 times.

  8. Dear Mr.Bauza and fellow readers,
    I wonder if the Native Americans have to do anything with The American Revolution. I would just just love to see Tamanend jump out of of a bush .

  9. The colonistsπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ probably fought against EnglandπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ because they knew that they could handle themselves but the British didn’t let them and I have a question:if the original settlers of USA were from England, how come people nowadays have American accents?

  10. Sorry to all the social study lovers, but S.S isn’t up my alley.
    so I do not know much about this war. can someone explain what happened?
    ( do not explain TOO much, otherwise I’ll fall asleep of boredom)

  11. I think the reason that the colonists fought was because of independence,land,and diffrent kinds of resources.What i know about the American Revolution is that the colonists in America fought for independence against the British.(I know more,but that is the main idea)

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