signs on sticks and elephants are people too!!!

Ivan’s plan seems to be working out. I think it’s amazing how all of a sudden there is so much controversy, and people protesting over the animals in the mall. What do you predict will happen next?

signs on sticks

12 thoughts on “signs on sticks and elephants are people too!!!

  1. My prediction is that maybe all of this protesting against mack,,,,,he will start to be nicer to the animals like ruby and ivan etc other animals while he is doing that maybe he will start making people see that mack has a good side to him [ if he even has one jkjkjkjk ] either that or i agree to radhika’s prediction

  2. prediction;
    mack is going to have to listen to the protesters soon. all that peer pressure. after all, who wouldn’t be sad about a gorilla and a baby elephant locked up in these dumb cages. they need to be free!!!

  3. My prediction is that if mack dose not let all the animals in the mall go to the zoo no one would want to come and see the animals and he would be sued for being mean to the animals like Ivan , ruby ,bob and Stella for putting them in jail .

  4. AHA! 42, I KNEW IT! Now, what was the question again? Oh yea. In the next chapter. Ivan is going to ***** *** ********* *******. And then Mac is going to ******* * ******. ** ******************. Then they will all go to the ***** ******** (This should be obvious by now if you know all the hints.) *****. And thats my answer. I totally spoiled everything. Even the beans :3

    • But really, should i tell whats going to happen in the next chapter, or not tell whats going to happen.
      Or even give hints!

  5. Well, by now it is pretty obvious that Ivan and Ruby are going to the zoo. Predictable, after today’s events in the One And Only Ivan.

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